Quentin Glorieux (LKB / Sorbonne Université - CNRS) talks about 'All-optical control of a quantum fluid of light in hot atomic vapor' (4PM UK time - 23rd April)
Quentin Glorieux (LKB / Sorbonne Université - CNRS) gives a webinar about ‘All-optical control of a quantum fluid of light in hot atomic vapor’.
Abstract: We present an experimental platform allowing to model arbitrary 2D hamiltonians using alloptical control of fluid of light in a hot Rubidium vapor [1]. Using full-field retrieval of the quantum fluid, we can measure momenta distributions and hydrodynamical observables and use this information to probe the superfluid transition [2, 3] in a time-resolved manner. We also engineer the quantum fluid to study the dynamics of quantized vortices and scale it towards the study of turbulence [4].
Glorieux, Q. et al. Hot atomic vapors for nonlinear and quantum optics. en. New Journal of Physics 25, 051201 (2023).
Huynh, J. et al. Two-dimensional superflow past an obstacle of arbitrary penetrability: Exact results for the critical velocity 2023. arXiv: 2305.01293.
Michel, C. et al. Superfluid motion and drag-force cancellation in a fluid of light. Nat. Comm. 9, 2108 (2018).
Abobaker, M. et al. Inverse energy cascade in two-dimensional quantum turbulence in a fluid of light 2022. arXiv: 2211.08441.