Quantum Fluids Jobs and PhD Opportunities
Recordings of previous webinars are available on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@QuantumFluids
Ryuji Nomura (Hokkaido University) gives a webinar on 'Anomalous Oscillation and Dripping of Superfluid Droplets' (10AM UK time)
Vanessa Graber (Royal Holloway) gives a webinar on 'Simulating sudden hiccups of superfluid neutron stars in 3D' (4pm UK time)
Tanja Rindler-Daller (University of Vienna) gives a webinar on 'Dark matter as self-gravitating BECs: another link between condensed matter and gravity' (4pm UK time)
Lisa Drummond (Caltech, USA) gives a webinar on 'Quantum Fluids in Astrophysics: Modeling Cosmic Phenomena with Superfluidity'
Elena Poli (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck) gives a webinar on 'Rotating dipolar quantum gases: supersolids, vortices and glitches'
Quentin Glorieux (LKB / Sorbonne Université - CNRS) talks about 'All-optical control of a quantum fluid of light in hot atomic vapor'
Richard Fletcher (MIT) gives a webinar on 'Quantum Hall physics in a quantum Foucault pendulum'
Riccardo Cominotti (CNR-INO, Trento) talks about 'False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids'
Marco La Mantia (Charles University) gives a webinar on 'Flow visualization in superfluid helium-4 (with particles)' (4PM UK time)
Srivatsa Badariprasad (Newcastle University) gives a webinar on 'Vortex dynamics in three-dimensional homogeneous dipolar superfluids'
Giuseppe Baio gives a webinar on 'Monopoles, Alice rings and topological interfaces in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates' (4PM UK time)
Sergej Moroz (Karlstad University) gives a webinar on 'Superfluid vortex crystals and their quantum melting' (4PM UK time)
Seth Musser gives a webinar on 'Flying in a superfluid: starting flow past an airfoil' (4PM UK time)
Ladislav Skrbek gives a webinar on 'Quantum turbulence in helium superfluids: Phenomenological experimentalist’s view, and where do we go next?' (4pm UK time)
Luis Aldemar Peña Ardila gives a webinar on 'Catalyzation of supersolidity in Dipolar Binary Mixtures' (4pm UK time)
Exploring the Quantum-to-Classical Vortex Flow: Quantum Field Theory Dynamics in Rotating Curved Spacetimes
Applying superfluid ⁴He to the search for low-mass dark matter
Superflow in ultracold atomic rings: from persistent currents to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Exotic many-body states in dipolar quantum Bose gases of magnetic atoms
Superfluid neutron stars and pulsar glitches
Direct visualization of the quantum vortex density law in rotating 4He
Emergent isotropy of a wave-turbulent cascade in the Gross-Pitaevskii model
Universal dynamics of a turbulent superfluid Bose gas
Dissipative time crystals in an atom-cavity platform
Experiments on Inhomogeneous Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid ⁴He
Physics of superfluid ⁴He in two-dimensional confinement
Summer break in August
Helgi Sigurðsson gives a webinar on 'Programmable networks of exciton-polariton condensates' at 4pm UK time
Dmytro Bozhko gives a webinar on 'Magnon Bose-Einstein Condensation, Supercurrents, and Bogoliubov waves' at 4pm UK time
Jere Mäkinen gives a webinar on 'Rotating quantum wave turbulence and onset of the Kelvin wave cascade' at 4pm UK time
Lena Dogra and Maciej Galka give a webinar on 'Wave turbulence in homogeneous Bose gases: equation of state and universal dynamics' at 4pm UK time
Maria Chiara Braidotti gives a webinar on 'Amplification of waves from rotating media' at 4pm UK time
Sam Patrick gives a webinar on the 'Origin and evolution of the multiply-quantised vortex instability' (4:30pm UK time)
August Geelmuyden gives a webinar on 'The sound-ring radiation of expanding vortex clusters' (4pm UK time)
Jan Arlt gives a webinar on 'Observation of a Lee-Huang-Yang Fluid' at 4pm UK time
Gabriel Wlazłowski gives a webinar on 'Fermionic superfluidity: from single vortex dynamics to quantum turbulence' at 4pm UK time
Romain Dubessy gives a webinar on 'Superfluid dynamics on a curved surface: from supersonic rotation to the effects of dimensional reduction' at 4pm UK time
Carlo Ewerz gives a webinar on 'Vortex Motion Quantifies Strong Dissipation in a Holographic Superfluid' at 4pm UK time
Anna Pomyalov gives a webinar on 'Theory of anisotropic superfluid He-4 counterflow turbulence' at 3pm UK time
Sosuke Inui and Matthew Wheeler talk about quantum vortices at 10am UK time
Hiromitsu Takeuchi gives a webinar on 'Topological defects in easy-axis nematic Bose-Einstein condensates' at 4pm UK time
Lev Levitin and Takeshi Mizushima talk about the spatially modulated phases of 3He at 4pm (UK)
Summer break in August
Kali Wilson gives a webinar on 'Collective dynamics of quantum degenerate Cs-Yb mixtures' at 4pm UK time
Thomas Bland gives a webinar on 'Two dimensional supersolidity in a circular trap' at 4pm UK time
Alina Blinova gives a webinar on 'Controlled creation and splitting of singly-quantized vortices in a polar phase BEC' at 4pm UK time
Yuan Tang gives a webinar on 'Superdiffusion of quantized vortices in a random vortex tangle' at 4:30pm (UK)
Wei Guo gives a webinar on 'The true mechanism of spontaneous order from turbulence in two-dimensional superfluid manifolds' at 4pm (UK)
Dr Tyler Neely gives a webinar on 'The gas phase of vortex matter' at 10am UK time.
Nicolás Müller gives a webinar on 'Intermittency of velocity circulation in quantum turbulence' at 4pm UK time
Holly Middleton-Spencer gives a webinar on 'Vortex States within Expanding Bose-Einstein Condensates' at 4:30pm UK time
Prof Jeevak Parpia gives a webinar on 'Path-Dependent Supercooling of the 3He Superfluid A-B transition' at 4pm UK time
Dr Petri Heikkinen gives a webinar on 'Fragility of surface states in topological superfluid 3He' at 4pm UK time
Dr Igor Todoshchenko gives a webinar on 'Mobile solid 3He on carbon nanotube promoted by topological frustration' at 4pm UK time
Dr Theo Noble gives a webinar on 'Catching Quantum Tornados - Nanoscale Real-Time Detection of Quantum Vortices at Millikelvin Temperatures' at 4:30pm (UK)
Nick Keepfer gives a webinar on 'Spin-up of a superfluid vortex lattice driven by rough boundaries' at 4pm (UK)
Dr Arkady Soldatov gives a webinar on 'Polar phase in 3He in nematic aerogel'(4pm UK)
Dr Thomas Billam gives a webinar on 'Crossover in the dynamical critical exponent of a quenched two-dimensional Bose gas' (4pm UK time)
Dr Davide Proment gives a webinar on 'Direct energy cascade in the two-dimensional Gross-Pitaesvkii model' (4pm UK time)
Dr Luca Galantucci gives the inaugural talk in the UK Quantum Fluid Webinar series (4pm UK time)
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